Karma Rides Again

Where do you go when you go away? And I don’t mean away on vacation or for an afternoon walk. I mean where do you go when you step away from who you thought you were?

Why do you go back to where the patterns of your past have a hold on you? It makes me wonder where I’ve been all this time.

What do you say to yourself that helps you break free?  I find myself wanting to revisit what I learned to figure out if the lessons mattered.

When you’ve been away from the page as long as I have, you can be intimidated by the empty space. If you’re like me, it is all an eye opener.  We all know change is scary. And I’ve been through enough changes in the last 3 years to feel upside down now.

How honest will we be with ourselves? Well I’m optimistic that with every truth I utter I will come closer to salvation. Karma rides again and I must be that much closer to 0 balance.

I hope my bright and cheery disposition wins even if sometimes behind closed doors I’m crying. I’m human. I’m not a bulldozer of strength that can withstand all the trials and tribulations I find myself in. 

I have figured out there’s really good news. We are a cornacopia of resources. Just like for every physical ailment there is an emotional attachment, for every circumstance there is a lesson. 

I’ve decided my best way to tackle the vast empty space is to take each line one at a time and put one word at a time in it’s place.  Like a card reading, it’s time to investigate the moments in comparison to the past that created it. 

Here is where we will set new intentions for the future. An experiment in trust, humility and integrity. Using the lunar new year as a celebration of life, we set our resolution. There is strength in recognition. Power in prayer. Answers in meditation. Art in doing nothing. Epiphanies in silence.

Time to get out of the thinking mind and into the doing state of existence.

What will your explorations say about you? 



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