Karma In a Bottle

The messages weren’t always clear. Life can get stormy and you’re drenched from walking under a broken umbrella. A tumultuous and wild ride at times and it takes everything you have to take cover. Like a tornado the dramatic ties that bind you will suck you back in. The patterns ringing in your ears at an incessant pitch that only the animals should be able to hear. 

An ancestor in the lineage must have had a bounty on their head but I didn’t believe in generational curses. And which is it anyway? Is karma based in repeating the archetypical habits of the descendants or is it repeating unpaid debts of a past life? 

If we take a good long look at who we are, we learn that we are either because of who came before us or in spite of them. They both carry the same burden. Karma is a boomerang no matter what you believe. 

I do the work, I study, I experiment, I go into my mind to see what I will find there. It never stops. There will always be more to learn, more to discover, more to overcome. Perfection doesn’t come from being a perfectionist and letting go isn’t falling.

The humility might look like moments of weakness but the triumphs have showed me I have acquired a lot of self-respect. I’ve never been one to accept a reality based on someone else’s model of the world. I recognized the world does not revolve around me. The weather will always change and sometimes it’s better to just get wet.

I’m no different then any of you. I have many debts to pay and I come in and out of consciousness. I get stuck in my mind and distracted by my innate tendencies of being a savior. Maybe that’s me trying to heal the past. Hoping to set those free who didn’t know enough in life to make different choices. They missed out on the messages. Their bottles, empty.

So I shall continue the quest the Angels have entrusted me with. Knowledge really is power.  I shall trust my influential mind to keep me on the right path. I will continue to find my way back to myself in hopes that my tangents bring more answers.  I will let my life flow like the water. 

You coming?


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