
If you have been joining me everyday as I continue to decipher the nonsense then you know that yesterday I spent most of the day working on my novel. Maybe this blog really is the key to me finishing this damn book already.  One very small step at a time. Very exciting prospect.   As you can imagine, no easy task, but what a revelation.  My first draft is well on it’s way and I am now more than ever determined to see this through to completion.  

But, tonight I am tired.  So I need a break from the book for a minute.  And I don’t know about you, but I am in need of some good old fashion inspiration. Some pure encouragement to break the monotony of the memories.  It’s important to embrace my innate power to rise above circumstance.  I am not bitter toward my past state of affairs.  So don’t you be either.  

Here’s a great quote from Mother Teresa… “I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle.  I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much”

And a poem from me… 

life is always changing and
tests your strength and will
a lovely dance by moonlight
the grass, perfect and still
keep the faith in sunrise
and welcome the day
walk with your head held high
and the gifts will come your way
the universe will give to you
all that you ask
so be strong in your intention
and unwavering at your tasks
hope is undeniable
just let love lead your heart
always choose to be honorable
a perfect place to start
never hold ill thoughts
or give power to your fears
Live your life with integrity
and your wishes shall appear
Live Love and Laugh
Everywhere you go
Peace Love and Light
On you shall bestowed

© 2010
