If you have been joining me everyday as I continue to decipher the nonsense then you know that yesterday I spent most of the day working on my novel. Maybe this blog really is the key to me finishing this damn book already. One very small step at a time. Very exciting prospect. As you can imagine, no easy task, but what a revelation. My first draft is well on it’s way and I am now more than ever determined to see this through to completion.
But, tonight I am tired. So I need a break from the book for a minute. And I don’t know about you, but I am in need of some good old fashion inspiration. Some pure encouragement to break the monotony of the memories. It’s important to embrace my innate power to rise above circumstance. I am not bitter toward my past state of affairs. So don’t you be either.
Here’s a great quote from Mother Teresa… “I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much”
And a poem from me…
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