Grace of Our Past

Today has been a long wonderful work day but it’s late, and I am tired.  The peace finds me open to the energy of the moon, like I have found my way home.  And the love in my heart finds me grateful for who I am, what I have experienced and very much looking forward to where I am going.  And since you’re coming with me, I couldn’t let the day pass without sharing something. A reminder of how far we have all come.

Ode To: The Grace of the Past

…You have been rewritten

and we bow to you.

With Gratitude we depart and

we thank you for your lessons.

You have taught us well and

bestowed upon us the greatest courage.

Our new history has changed us

with a grand shift of empowerment.

Our lives  shall be accountable and

witness to our new found destiny.

We will be forever grateful

to you the Grace of our Past and

we humbly bid you Farewell…



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