Life will give it what you ask of it, plain and simple. You have to remember that you are constantly putting off thought waves that help shape what happens to you. What you dwell on really does become that which you manifest. Your reality and your identity.
You must remember some things when trying to pursue the art of creation.
It is important to be very specific
You must be very clear in your intention
If you know your what, the Universe will take care of the how
Always look ahead, don’t dwell on what lay in the past
Be willing and open to adjust accordingly
Just put one foot in front of the other
Welcome change
Honor defeat
Learn from your mistakes
Stay out of your head
Be careful of people that aren’t supportive of your dreams
Choose to see the best in people
Listen to your life and trust your intuition
Be honest with people and yourself
Don’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself
Know that your feelings may get hurt but time heals all wounds
Remember that people have their own distractions and it doesn’t mean they care less
People can only love us as much as they love themselves
Don’t have regrets
Embrace the possibility of the future being everything you want it to be
The world will give you what you ask of it so be careful what you ask for
Treat others as you would like to be treated
Use communication and honesty to relieve any chance of misunderstanding or pain in others
Remember people have feelings and feelings are fragile and are to be treated like precious cargo
What you put out really is what you get back
No one can let you down if you don’t allow them to hold you up
Choose love. Be kind. Be honest. Be trustworthy. Be truthful. Be sincere. Be mindful. Be open. Choose happiness.
Always say what you mean
Don’t lie!
Be impeccable with your word
Don’t make assumptions
Always do your best
Don’t take anything personal
Have empathy
Feel the fear and do it anyway
It really is true that everything you ever needed to know you learned in Kindergarten
When you take care of yourself you are more apt to be careful with others feelings. When you are honest you are more apt to be surrounded by people who can be trusted. When you put yourself out there you create a giving and carefree spirit. It is important that you keep your integrity at all times. Know that even when you stumble there is dignity in brushing yourself off and trying again.
It really is quite simple. What are you putting out?
Reading list:
Everything I Ever Needed to Know I learned in Kindergarten (
Feal the Fear and Do it Anyway (
The Four Agreements (
You’ve got a great blog here well done congratulations