
Believe it or not we are all cut from the same mold. We are human but we don’t have to be separate. We are all gifted with the wherewithal  of decision making and the choices we make do shape our lives.

Success isn’t born overnight. It takes planning and reinventing and tenacity. It takes some self manipulation and debrainwashing and a whole lot of courage.

Sometimes it even takes sitting on the side of your bed with a quiet mind and a prayer to whatever God you believe in.  Asking for help  to see you through uncertainty and petitioning for strength when you feel fragile.

But do know this.  Prayer alone will not save you, your God will not pay your rent, and the Universe can only help those that help themselves.

Betheny, one of my dearest friends and the closest thing I have to family is proof that when you go after what you want the world will give you what you ask for. I’ve written about her before because she never ceases to amaze me.  She knows what she wants and she never settles.  If she decides to go after something she maps out the goal and then she carefully and systematically follows the footsteps toward her objective.

Years ago she realized she was getting burnt out on the car shows even though they had been so good to her for so long.  It was an arduous schedule with an inordinate amount of traveling. It was time to think about what would come next.

She prayed for help and then she set out to help the Universe help her.  She started taking some voice lessons and loved it. She was a natural and could do everything from sexy raspy to cartoon voices.  She practiced and studied and took classes and workshops. She made a demo, she sent it out to agents, she took meetings and she got signed. She went on numerous auditions but wasn’t booking. She didn’t give up. She kept practicing and honing her craft. She kept auditioning. She started booking small commercial jobs. She kept going. She kept praying and she kept believing in herself and she kept auditioning some more.  This past week Betheny announced that she is the new voice of the entire Style Network.  A huge accomplishment and a dream come true. What most people don’t know is she has been up for this job before and has been trying to become this voice of the Style Network for over two years.

Most people don’t see their dreams come true or stop believing in prayer because they give up before the wishes are granted. You can’t ever give up pursuing and you can’t ever stop believing in yourself or your dreams.  Brush yourself off and get up and try again.  Do whatever it takes to keep your hopes alive.

Dreams do come true and prayers are always answered. You just have to help them with everything you’ve got so figure out what it is you love and follow it with all your heart.

Your voice is meant to be heard.


